Thursday, July 14, 2011

Google+ -- the thrill of starting over

Your life got messy. You have friends you wish you could just slough off. You're bored with most of them, and others you feel you wish you could ignore without seeming rude. So isn't it fun to start over? There are millions of people joining Google+ and starting over. I've spent the whole morning poking around. I go to peer at Facebook from time to time. Same old, same old. Blech. I'm starting over with Google+. Bye bye Facebook. I'll visit from time to time. But I'm having fun with my new friends on Google+.

I started a Google+ hangout. Nobody joined me, but that's OK. I was in my pyjamas with my hair akimbo, so it's probably just as well. I built my circles of hell and enjoyed deciding who should be where. (Circles feels like Groups should have been on Facebook. Not too restrictive. Easy to drag and drop people in and out. Easy to share with who you want (though I have yet to figure out how to make a post Public). ) I found lots of new people to follow, with lots of energetic chat that felt lively and enthusiastic.

It's fun to start over. I have a whole new circle of friends to play with. I'll bet many others feel the same way. We get bored easily, and for that reason alone, Facebook should be worried.

1 comment:

Frank O'Mahony said...

Starting over - I like it! Glad to have made the + transition with you!